(I used emails from Ken to show an example of how this page could work. If you log in you can make comments on the post. Also we can make this page password protected.)
There are several free admission tickets available to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green if anyone is planning a trip there soon.
(Contact Tom Svoboda or Ken Chambers)
Also free tickets available to the Mecum Auction in Kansas City for the end of March.
(Contact Bill Zuspan or Ken Chambers)
We saw limited examples of 2 website designs but did not have an internet connection so could not see the full potential of either site. Each member should check out both websites, Duane Starr has updated http://www.nebraskacorvette.com check out every page form an opinion and note any changes you would like to see.
Also check out a new build of the website by Brady Dresselhaus http://nebraskacorvette.squarespace.com The login in button is in the lower left and the information was given out at the meeting and in an email from the president. After logging in you will be able to see some password protected areas, what information we put in these areas will be decided at a later time. Once again look at the entire website, form an opinion and note any changes you would like to see. Then send Ken Chambers what you like / dislike about each -- I will pass on all of your comments the the Website Committee. They plan to meet in several weeks to give all your comments to Duane & Brady for them to tweak their websites again one more time before the next meeting. Then at the April meeting with the help of Dave Lovercheck’s hotspot we'll be able to actually see active demonstrations of the two websites again. So after you look at both websites, after you give Ken Chambers your feedback, after the websites are tweaked, and after you have seen the latest versions of the websites at the April meeting, we will have a confidential vote at the meeting. We will pass out secret ballots so everyone ATTENDING THE MEETING can select from THREE (3) choices.
A) stay with Duane's NCA website
B) change to the website Brady has come up with -or-
C) not completely happy with either one, hire a professional web person from outside the club
So if you have an opinion about the website, and you want to do something about it, NOW is the time to act! Check out the two examples you have before you online send me an opinion and SHOW UP at the next meeting to VOTE --(and as I said, your vote is your vote --nobody sees how you choose to vote on this issue).
The newsletter person has stepped down due to conflicts with other obligations... we THANK Ruta for her producing the newsletter for the last year or so. Hopefully, in the future, our website can provide all the functions of our newsletter and when we get that straightened out I'll be looking for a new Newsletter Co-oridinator who will just have to kind of corral info into the 'Newsletter' area of the website, but won't have to be digging up news to make an entire newsletter from scratch!
Car Show Co-ordinator Bill Z. wants your input on whatever you think the Car Show needs or doesn't need, what works & what doesn't. Contact him directly.
The money the club collected as a 'rebate' from our last NCA Social at Don & Millie's ($57) was voted overwhelmingly to be donated to the Shriners. A check from Don & Millie's was made out to the club, it will be deposited, and the Treasurer will send out a new check to the Shriners.
State Senator Colby Coash (who was behind the Single Plate Bill) attended the MArch meeting, the new specialty plate will take effect next Jan.1st 2013 personalized plates will be available in the single rear plate. They are still working on the actual design of the plate and hope they can keep it simple & clean looking.
We have some ByLaws issues that need to be addressed. I had that on the Agenda but because the meeting was running way overboard I sat the items aside until the next meeting. But I might advise ya’ll to read through our ByLaws before the next meeting, because if there is something in there YOU think should be addressed as well we should get all of the items out there at once, so if changes are made they can all be cleaned up at once. Whatever changes we propose, they have to be formulated, then stated, then set aside for a month/or until the next meeting before being voted on.
A new order for New Name Badges is going in today, these are the ones I have: Mike McFarland, Jim Hufman, Dave & Susanne Lovercheck, Tim & Cheri Shepard, Linda Wilson-Weichbrodt, Darryl & Teresa Hoffman, Mike Durnal, Nadine Grosshans, Genie Bahm.
If your name is NOT on my list --and you need a name tag –contact me ASAP. Mike McFarland has volunteered to be our new Name Badge Co-ordinator, so in the near future he’ll be making the call to Awards Unlimited for us, for badges! Thanks Mac!
The NCA Spring Brunch is set for Sun. May 6th at same place as last year “An Evening with Friends” in Milligan. Leaving the Southwest High School parking lot sometime after everyone gathers at 10:15AM.
The March NCA Social for Wed. March 28th. is at “Kellers” in Pleasant Dale. Leaving the Shoemakers Shell Truck Stop (on South side of West ‘O’) sometime after everyone gathers at 6pm.
NCA Spring Trash Pick-Up is scheduled for Sun. Apr.29th meet at Walker Tire parking lot on N.56th St./Hwy.77 just south of I-80 at 2pm ice cream afterwards for everyone who helps!
Keep your eyes open for an April Grand Opening of the new Advance Auto Parts at 40th & Old Cheney where they will be giving 10-20% discount on whatever ‘auto thing’ you might need to buy.