Corvette 60th Anniversary Celebration
The end of June always marks a special time in Corvette history, June 30, 1953 marked the day that the first 300 Corvettes rolled off their Flint Michigan assembly line.  Few ever envisaged that the car would evolve as it did becoming America’s iconic sports car. 
We are so excited to announce that as a special celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Corvette, the Bowling Green Assembly Plant has agreed to open the plant on June 27 for a special tour limited to 200 NCM members only.  The fee is $250pp and includes the tour and a dinner that night which will feature Bowling Green Assembly Plant team members involved with the C7 launch.  Registration for this members only event will open on Wednesday, December 19th at 8:00am central time.  Attendance is strictly limited to 200 members.  To register on Wednesday, December 19th, log on to your members services account at


Final Numbers from the 2012 All Corvette Show

Sunday September 23rd turned out to be a wonderful day for the club and the charities we support. Weather was perfect. Attendance of spectators was up. Corvettes were plentiful. Bill Z. was able to put together a great show, the only thing that didn't comew through was a breeze which kept the kite flyer was grounded. We registered 182 cars and that encouraged over 4000 curious spectators to browse a wonderful selection of Corvettes with many commenting on seeing so many '53, '54, and '55s. The display of early C-1s may have set a new record for the midwest at 8 in one show. We had many club members put their time and effort into setup and cleanup, garnering community sponsorships, donating 93 items for silent auction, donating items for door prizes, and getting 80 club cars out to the show. The 93 items for silent auction made $3200 that went in to the $13000 gross for the show. After expenses the club was able to donate $4000 to the Child Advocacy Center and $4000 to the Lincoln Food Bank. The show is a big job that takes many people to put it together and you can see from these numbers it is well worth it. 2012 was a great show for the NCA and our charites, maybe we can make 2013 even better.

2012 All Corvette Show Recap

The show was a wonderful success! We had an estimated 4000 spectators in to see approximately 180 corvettes including 8 1953, '54, and '55s. Many people were astounded by the gathering of early C-1s saying they had never seen so many together at once. Hy-vee Catering brought in food and drinks for sale and we had Klein's Funnel Cakes for dessert. The National Corvette Museum came with a truck load of apperal, souvenirs, and cleaning supplies and were very happy with sales, even selling out of some things. We raised quite a bit of money with the bike, TV, and 50/50 raffles and the silent auction with the excellent Husker memoribilia being among the most popluar items. More information about the show will be available after the meeting where I'm sure Bill Z. will crunch the numbers for us. There are some photos posted with more to follow at Club Photos.

From the President

Notes from the September Meeting

#1   We've got eight students interested in the club's scholarship program.  Which is good and bad because we are only giving out four @ $500 each. So the scholarship committee has some tough work to do.  Kudos to Jerry Boden for getting those kids apply.

#2  The Car Show can still use any new/unused items you might want to donate for door prizes or the silent auction.  You can personally take the items to Al & Candace Klaasmeyers -- or you can bring them to the car show on Sun. Sept. 23rd. If you are bringing an item to the show PLEASE call or write Al/Candace ahead of time so they can put your item on the list. Thanks!

#3 The Shriners Transportation Fund can use our help if any of us are thinking about going out to eat on the 3rd Tues. of September, October, or November. Check club calendar. Greenfield's restaurant at Hwy 2 & S. 86th St. (across the street south of the South Walmart) is donating a portion of all the meals sold between 4:30-8:30pm.  This money helps pay for getting kids to Shiners Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis.  Bring your Corvette if possible as a show of support for the Shriners Corvette group who's behind this great effort for a good cause.  So if you're looking for a place to go out for dinner next Tuesday the 18th consider spending your dough at Greenfield's.

#4  Another good cause that we as Corvetters can help out is a fundraiser for the "Wounded Warrior" project.  Sat. Oct.13th Noon-4pm take your Vette to the Tack Room @ 14th & Cornhusker Hwy. (check out  to understand what they do to help Veterans put their lives back together after they've given their all for you & me!).  

#5  Ted Hughes is willing to host us at his fantastic garage for our next NCA Social on Wed. Sept. 26th.  Meet at Ted's at 7pm.  At the meeting it was decided everyone should have dinner on their own at wherever (R.O.'s in downtown Seward, or the Dairy Queen not far from Ted's, or at home) then get together to socialize at Ted's.

#6  John Schmidt did 196 mph to win 1st place at the 1-mile run at the SORC!  Congrats John! -Wow!  He said "The road gets very narrow at the speed."

#7  Today is Sharon McGinn's BIRTHDAY.  And every birthday is a blessing.  As Billy Crystal used to say on SNL " Better to look good - than to feel good...and you look mavvv-a-lus darling!"  Keep up the good work and your positive attitude Sharon.  Happy Birthday again!


The Garage Social

Hello From your Show Chairman:

Hope you are all excited about the Social for Wednesday night at the  "Garage Sports Bar & Grill ".  Just a reminder that the location is 48th & Highway 2...Near Earl May.   The Time to arrive is around 6:00-6:15.   Good time to visit & meet new friends.  Plan to sit down at around 6:30.

Terry Wagner & I will be helping you park your Corvette on the East side of the building. There will be reserved parking for us. We will have our NCA banner up and displayed proudly!!

I have a few interesting door prizes to spice up the gathering.   The last time that we did this, there were around 40 Corvettes there.  Tell your fellow
members to bring their car.    We Want to Break That Record.  Weather will be beautiful and  cooler!!

See you Wednesday!!!!!

Heinz, the owner said he might have some "Good Food Specials"
He also is one of our more giving Sponsors. (  Around 300.00 )
He is excited about us coming!!    The Atmosphere is pretty good.

Thanks a lot

Bill Zuspan
Show Chairman 2012

Terry Wagner

Proposed Changes to the Bylaws

From the President (Members, you can sign in and leave comments)

At the most recent club business meeting, the discussion on cleaning up and clarifying the NCA Bylaws resulted in recommendations for the following changes:




SECTION 3. Candiate Acceptance , 

the last sentence of the paragraph is to be changed to read: 

"If said candidate attends a second meeting, the candidate will be required to join NCA or leave the meeting." 


Currently it says third meeting.


    SECTION 3.  Candidate Acceptance.  Candidate must attend one meeting to be eligible for membership however this requirement for membership may be waived for the spouse or significant other candidate of a couple membership.  A candidate may request to the Members present that his/her application be acted upon prior to adjournment of the initial meeting he/she attends.  A candidate submitting application for membership will be voted on by the Members present. Prior to voting on the candidate, the chairperson will ask for discussion on said candidate from the Members. The candidate may become a member if his / her application is accepted by a plurality of Members present.  If said candidate attends a third second NCA meeting, the candidate will be required to join NCA or leave the meeting.





SECTION 2. Election and terms of Office , 

the middle of the paragraph is to be changed to read: 

"All Officers and Directors may be elected for two consecutive terms.  The Governor and all Coordinators may be elected for an unlimited number of consecutive terms."


This also eliminates the need for the * to the paragraph that reads: 

" * Except that the Governor may be elected for more than two consecutive terms."


    SECTION 2.  Election and terms of Office.  Nominations for Officers, Directors, and Coordinators will be taken at the October meeting.  The Officers, Directors, and Coordinators will be elected annually by secret ballot by a plurality of Members present at the annual meeting in November.  Term of office for all Officers, Directors, and Coordinators shall be one year, beginning January First of each year.  All Officers, Directors, and Coordinators May be elected for two consecutive terms*.  All Officers and Directors may be elected for two consecutive terms.  The Governor and all Coordinators may be elected for an unlimited number of consecutive terms. All Coordinators may be elected for an unlimited number of consecutive terms.  Any vacancies in office may be filled at the next meeting by a vote of plurality of Members present, term to end at the end of calendar year. Any Officer or Director thus elected and serving less than a full term may be elected for two subsequent consecutive terms of office.

*   Except that the Governor may be elected for more than two consecutive terms.
    (Amended October 14, 1998)





SECTION 1. Meetings

B. Special Meetings , 

the middle of the paragraph is to be changed to add in "emails" so it will read: 

"...(30) days before the date of the meeting, either personally, by mail, by electronic means/ email, or at the direction of..."


B.  Special Meetings.  Special meetings may be called by the President, or in his or her absence, by the Vice President, or any three (3) Directors by requesting the Secretary to call such a meeting.  The Secretary shall thereupon call such meeting.  Written or printed notice, which may be in the form of NCA Newsletter or NCA minutes or e-mail or other electronic means, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting, and the purpose or purposes for which the special meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the President, or Vice President, or Secretary, or the Directors calling the meeting, to each  Member entitled to vote at such meeting. When any meeting notice is mailed, it shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, properly addressed to the member at his or her address then appearing on the records of the Corporation, with postage prepaid. 




SECTION 1.  Meetings

E. Quorum

Shall be changed so the number of club members required to be at a meeting before a legal vote can be taken is lowered to more realistically reflect to size of a normal business meeting.  The change will then read: 

"A quorum for General, Special and Annual Meetings shall consist of at least  ten (10) percent of the entire membership."


E.  Quorum.  A quorum for General, Special and Annual Meetings shall consist of thirty-five (35) percent of the Members. A quorum for General, Special and Annual Meetings shall consist of at least  twenty (20) percent of the entire membership.


These proposed changes were stated and tabled until the next regular NCA Business Meeting Wed. June 13th, at which time they will be discussed again, then voted on and must be approved by three-quarters of the members present.

Notes from the March Meeting


(I used emails from Ken to show an example of how this page could work. If you log in you can make comments on the post. Also we can make this page password protected.)


There are several free admission tickets available to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green if anyone is planning a trip there soon.

(Contact Tom Svoboda or Ken Chambers)



Also free tickets available to the Mecum Auction in Kansas City for the end of March.

(Contact Bill Zuspan or Ken Chambers)


We saw limited examples of 2 website designs but did not have an internet connection so could not see the full potential of either site. Each member should check out both websites, Duane Starr has updated check out every page form an opinion and note any changes you would like to see.

Also check out a new build of the website by Brady Dresselhaus The login in button is in the lower left and the information was given out at the meeting and in an email from the president. After logging in you will be able to see some password protected areas, what information we put in these areas will be decided at a later time. Once again look at the entire website, form an opinion and note any changes you would like to see.  Then send Ken Chambers what you like / dislike about each -- I will pass on all of your comments the the Website Committee. They plan to meet in several weeks to give all your comments to Duane & Brady for them to tweak their websites again one more time before the next meeting. Then at the April meeting with the help of Dave Lovercheck’s hotspot we'll be able to actually see active demonstrations of the two websites again. So after you look at both websites, after you give Ken Chambers your feedback, after the websites are tweaked,  and after you have seen the latest versions of the websites at the April meeting, we will have a confidential vote at the meeting. We will pass out secret ballots so everyone ATTENDING THE MEETING can select from THREE (3) choices.  

A) stay with Duane's NCA website  

B) change to the website Brady has come up with   -or-

C) not completely happy with either one, hire a professional web person from outside the club


So if you have an opinion about the website, and you want to do something about it, NOW is the time to act!  Check out the two examples you have before you online send me an opinion and SHOW UP at the next meeting to VOTE --(and as I said, your vote is your vote --nobody sees how you choose to vote on this issue).


The newsletter person has stepped down due to conflicts with other obligations... we THANK Ruta for her producing the newsletter for the last year or so. Hopefully, in the future, our website can provide all the functions of our newsletter and when we get that straightened out  I'll be looking for a new Newsletter Co-oridinator who will just have to kind of corral info into the 'Newsletter' area of the website, but won't have to be digging up news to make an entire newsletter from scratch!

Car Show Co-ordinator Bill Z. wants your input on whatever you think the Car Show needs or doesn't need, what works & what doesn't. Contact him directly.

 The money the club collected as a 'rebate' from our last NCA Social at Don & Millie's ($57) was voted overwhelmingly to be donated to the Shriners.  A check from Don & Millie's was made out to the club, it will be deposited, and the Treasurer will send out a new check to the Shriners.   

 State Senator Colby Coash (who was behind the Single Plate Bill) attended the MArch meeting, the new specialty plate will take effect next Jan.1st 2013 personalized plates will be available in the single rear plate. They are still working on the actual design of the plate and hope they can keep it simple & clean looking.

 We have some ByLaws issues that need to be addressed.  I had that on the Agenda but because the meeting was running way overboard I sat the items aside until the next meeting.   But I might advise ya’ll to read through our ByLaws before the next meeting, because if there is something in there YOU think should be addressed as well we should get all of the items out there at once, so if changes are made they can all be cleaned up at once.  Whatever changes we propose, they have to be formulated, then stated, then set aside for a month/or until the next meeting before being voted on.

A new order for New Name Badges is going in today, these are the ones I have: Mike McFarland, Jim Hufman, Dave & Susanne Lovercheck, Tim & Cheri Shepard, Linda Wilson-Weichbrodt, Darryl & Teresa Hoffman, Mike Durnal, Nadine Grosshans, Genie Bahm.  

If your name is NOT on my list --and you need a name tag –contact me ASAP. Mike McFarland has volunteered to be our new Name Badge Co-ordinator, so in the near future he’ll be making the call to Awards Unlimited for us, for badges! Thanks Mac!

 The NCA Spring Brunch is set for Sun. May 6th at same place as last year “An Evening with Friends” in Milligan. Leaving the Southwest High School parking lot sometime after everyone gathers at 10:15AM.

 The March NCA Social for Wed. March 28th. is at “Kellers” in Pleasant Dale. Leaving the Shoemakers Shell Truck Stop (on South side of West ‘O’) sometime after everyone gathers at 6pm.

 NCA Spring Trash Pick-Up is scheduled for Sun. Apr.29th meet at Walker Tire parking lot on N.56th St./Hwy.77 just  south of I-80 at 2pm ice cream afterwards for everyone who helps!  

 Keep your eyes open for an April Grand Opening of the new Advance Auto Parts at 40th & Old Cheney where they will be giving 10-20% discount on whatever ‘auto thing’ you might need to buy.