From the President
/Notes from the September Meeting
#1 We've got eight students interested in the club's scholarship program. Which is good and bad because we are only giving out four @ $500 each. So the scholarship committee has some tough work to do. Kudos to Jerry Boden for getting those kids apply.
#2 The Car Show can still use any new/unused items you might want to donate for door prizes or the silent auction. You can personally take the items to Al & Candace Klaasmeyers -- or you can bring them to the car show on Sun. Sept. 23rd. If you are bringing an item to the show PLEASE call or write Al/Candace ahead of time so they can put your item on the list. Thanks!
#3 The Shriners Transportation Fund can use our help if any of us are thinking about going out to eat on the 3rd Tues. of September, October, or November. Check club calendar. Greenfield's restaurant at Hwy 2 & S. 86th St. (across the street south of the South Walmart) is donating a portion of all the meals sold between 4:30-8:30pm. This money helps pay for getting kids to Shiners Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis. Bring your Corvette if possible as a show of support for the Shriners Corvette group who's behind this great effort for a good cause. So if you're looking for a place to go out for dinner next Tuesday the 18th consider spending your dough at Greenfield's.
#4 Another good cause that we as Corvetters can help out is a fundraiser for the "Wounded Warrior" project. Sat. Oct.13th Noon-4pm take your Vette to the Tack Room @ 14th & Cornhusker Hwy. (check out to understand what they do to help Veterans put their lives back together after they've given their all for you & me!).
#5 Ted Hughes is willing to host us at his fantastic garage for our next NCA Social on Wed. Sept. 26th. Meet at Ted's at 7pm. At the meeting it was decided everyone should have dinner on their own at wherever (R.O.'s in downtown Seward, or the Dairy Queen not far from Ted's, or at home) then get together to socialize at Ted's.
#6 John Schmidt did 196 mph to win 1st place at the 1-mile run at the SORC! Congrats John! -Wow! He said "The road gets very narrow at the speed."
#7 Today is Sharon McGinn's BIRTHDAY. And every birthday is a blessing. As Billy Crystal used to say on SNL " Better to look good - than to feel good...and you look mavvv-a-lus darling!" Keep up the good work and your positive attitude Sharon. Happy Birthday again!