Letter from the President
/Hello NCA Members,
Our Corvettes are tucked away under the blankets but still lots to talk about during the Winter. By now, I'm sure everyone has had a good look at the C-7. I like it, a lot. I am anxious to see one up close and I'm sure Gayle will be bugging me to buy one as soon as they come available at the dealers. There are a lot of emails flying around the internet about the car. The best sites I've seen on the C-7 are the Corvette Museum, the Corvette Forum and LG Motorsports of Texas. Check them out to learn more. Tom Svoboda, our NCM Liason tells me the C-7 color chart can be seen here.
NCA Social - The date is set for Wed, January 23rd at Lee's Chicken. We picked Lee's for a few good reasons - They have very good food, they are conveniently located at 1940 W Van Dorn, (not that far from my house) plus, they have plenty of room and good service. Also, we will be checking out the back room to see if it would be suitable for holding our regularly scheduled NCA meetings. Jan Wilcoxin, owner has offered the room to hold our meetings at no cost and no obligation for food or drink. The room seats 100 plus. Those that have attended the last two meetings at AAA may have noticed we ran out of chairs. Our club is growing and our meeting room is becoming too small to handle us. Plus, another reason we may consider moving is the fact that the neighborhood surrounding AAA has seen a rise in crime in the past few years. Marilyn Muir, Mgr. at AAA was mugged a couple years back and suffered a broken arm and the loss of her purse. We will be looking at other possibilities to meet but check out Lee's at the upcoming social with your NCA friends on Jan. 23rd. The social is scheduled to start at 6:30 pm Hope to see you all there. NCA Car Show - Mark your calendars for Sept. 22, 2013 for the big show. Bill Zuspan, Car Show Chairman tells me they are going for 200 Corvettes. It will be tough to top last year's show but if anyone can, it's Bill and his crew. An ad for the show will be in the Car Council Book coming out soon. Bud Wall, NCA Grand Geezer tells me that the signup for the Geezer trip to Hannibal is very brisk. If you want to join in on the Geezer trip, better sign up soon. Email Bud with questions. Rocky Manginelli Swap Meet, March 3rd - This is a big money maker for our club. Lancaster Center is the place and call or email Kerry Fox if you can help at the event. NCA is still looking for someone to do a newsletter so if you have the talent, the time and the will to do so, please contact me and you can have the job. There is a tremendous amount of power writing a newsletter. I did it for several years and had a lot of fun making fun of my fellow members.
See ya soon,
Bruce Younglove, Pres.
Nebraska Corvette Association.