Letter From the Prez. 1/10/14
/NCA Members –
In spite of how gloomy it was in Lincoln today, it was nice to see the snow and ice melting from our streets. And, driveways and sidewalks too! We have several important items to provide updates to you at this time.
January Meeting –
The first NCA meeting of the year was held this past Wednesday evening. New NCA Secretary, Linda has done a great job generating the Meeting Minutes which are HERE. It was a real nice turnout at the meeting in spite of how slick some of the roads were coming and going to the Elks Club. Thanks to all of the members who assisted Jerry in setting up and putting away the tables and chairs! We’ll have a call for volunteers for future meetings. So, if you didn’t get to help this time, there likely will be 9 – 10 more opportunities this year.
Bowling Tournament –
Another “Don’t Miss” event - THE bowling tournament of the year will be March 8. There will likely be Prizes and perhaps even a heckling section. The fun won't’ stop after the bowling either as there’s talk of a pizza party! More details will be available in the near future.
Geezer Get Away –
Several members had questions about the destination and timing for this year’s Geezer Get Away. Due to the snow and ice, Grand Geezer Bud was unable to attend the January meeting and take questions in person. The Grand Geezer is reportedly formulating the plans including the destination and timing for this year’s Get Away. Further details will be coming just as soon as the Grand Geezer gets the plans firmed. And just like fine wine, there’s no rushing the Grand Geezer!
NCA Club Picnic and Golf Tournament –
We will be reviving several other events this summer including a Club Picnic and a Golf Tournament. Committees will be required to organize the events. Contact Bruce if you're interested in getting more involved. Even if you are fairly new to the NCA, there are lots of opportunities to get more involved. As the old adage goes “You will get more out of belonging to the NCA by putting more into it”. Well, that’s not exactly how it was worded originally, but it’s still accurate.
SORC Winter Party Tickets –
Bruce reports the tickets are going like hotcakes again this year and only a limited number of tickets remain. Contact Bruce right away if you haven’t purchased your tickets. The date for this year’s Winter Party is February 22 and you won’t want to miss the fun!
NCA Corvette Show –
WOW – speaking of Don’t Miss Events – Corvette Show Organizer Bill reports the date for this year’s show has been set for Sept. 21. Bill has some rather ambitious plans to make this year’s show even bigger and better than last year’s. What else would you expect from Bill??? Even though Bill was unable to attend the January meeting, he assures us that further updates will be forthcoming.