From the President
/NCA Members,
I couldn't send out a message until the snow melted off my lawn. Well, the last of it just did so here goes. If it makes any of you feel better, the schools were closed in Minnesota because 15 in. of snow fell yesterday. We have it better off than they do.
A couple of events in the next few days you may want to attend:
Walmart car show on Friday, 5-8 pm - South Walmart located at 8700 Andematt Dr. Walmart is one of our sponsors for the car show and donated a bike last year. Hope the weather will be ok for that. Also an opportunity for Bill Z. to pick up some new clothes for his Summer wardrobe.
Brunch on Sunday in Milligan - Meet at Southwest High School parking lot at 9:45 AM to caravan to Evening with Friends Restaurant in Milligan. The Spring Brunch is always a fun trip and a couple of out of town Corvette Clubs will be joining us. Sounds like fun to me. Sun. May 5th.
NCA monthly meeting at the Elk's Lodge on May 8th - Come early around 6 pm to dine with other NCA members. The Elk's special will be Tacos, Nachos or chicken salad. Also, to help celebrate Cinco De Mayo, they will feature $2. margaritas. The cost is just $6. and that includes tax & tip. Thirty five members dined before the meeting last week lots of compliments on the good food were heard. The meeting will start at 7:30 pm sharp. Directions to all events are posted on the events page of our NCA website.
May 8 is also NCA's 46th birthday so you don't want to miss this meeting. Let's celebrate!
Let's have some fun and do some good along the way.
Bruce Younglove, Pres.
Nebraska Corvette Association