From the President
/Hello NCA Members,
NCA did do a lot of good this past weekend. We had eleven cars show up for the Colton Prince Benefit fundraiser at the Gretna Legion on Sat. Kudos to those brave souls that did because the weather was cold and windy. But, I think all had fun getting their Corvettes back out on the road and knowing that the car show with about 30 cars raised over $1000. to help the Prince family with medical expenses.
Sunday was a better day weatherwise for our Adopt A Highway clean up on N Hwy 77. It didn't take long because 34 NCA members showed up with their grubs and gloves on ready for work. The Nebraska Corvette Association clean up site is as "Clean as a Whistle". Thanks to all that helped.
Reminder: Don't forget our NCA Social is this coming Wed. Meet at Shoemaker's on Hwy 6 and 48th at 6 pm to caravan to Keller's in Pleasantdale. It's time to dust off your Corvette and get it out for the season.
Spring has Sprung! It's official!